Foresters Forum - Speakers

Rocky Goodnow

Rocky Goodnow

Rocky Goodnow, Vice President – North American Timber

Rocky Goodnow is Vice President of North American Timber In this role, Rocky is responsible for FEA’s outlook on the North American timber markets. Rocky leads the development of FEA’s timber econometric models, which are used in the analysis of future demand on wood fiber resources, regional timber supplies and timber values.

Rocky has been analyzing the North American timber markets for over 20 years. He is the primary author of FEA’s Timber Quarterly Forecasting Service publications and is a contributor to other FEA publications. He has also co-authored numerous studies on a wide range of timber-related topics including timber supply, regional pulpwood markets, and international softwood log and lumber markets. In addition, Rocky has led numerous single-client projects analyzing timber markets in North America and abroad.

Rocky holds a Master’s degree in Forest Economics and Management and a B.S. in Forestry, both from Virginia Tech. Service at Forest Economic Advisors LLC.